Author: DTS

Breaking Down Barriers: Making Diabetes Technology Accessible for Everyone

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The Rise of Digital Tools for Diabetes Care

In today’s world, digital technologies are playing a big role in managing diabetes. These tools include things like continuous glucose monitors, smart blood glucose devices, advanced insulin systems, smart … [Read More]

Unveiling the Hidden Rise: A New Approach to Understanding the dawn rise in glucose in type 2 diabetes 

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The Dawn Phenomenon in Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)

In people with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), there’s a phenomenon called the “dawn phenomenon,” where blood sugar levels rise overnight. This increase in glucose is important to understand because … [Read More]

Hospital-at-Home Programs: A Closer Look at National Outcomes

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Low Mortality Rates in Hospital-at-Home Programs

Most people when ill wish to avoid hospital as care can be expensive, uncomfortable and even dangerous!  Having access to care at home (can be very similar to being in hospital if organized … [Read More]

Advanced Skin Cancer Detection Device: Dermasensor’s Breakthrough

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A Smart Device for Detecting Skin Cancer

Dangerous skin cancer such as melanoma is on the rise, and it is important that a diagnosis is made as early as possible when it is easier to treat. A … [Read More]

Supporting Caregivers for Heart Health

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Caregiver Stress and Heart Health

When spouses become caregivers for their partners with heart problems, they often develop stress. This stress, ironically, might raise the risk of heart problems for the caregivers themselves. The emotions, actions, … [Read More]

Improving Blood Pressure with Community Care

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Partnership for Better Health

Community health centers joined the National Hypertensive Control Initiative (NHCI), focusing on self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) and other methods. Early reports show major progress in controlling blood pressure rates from 44% to 70% … [Read More]

Using Voice Based Technology to Improve Insulin Management

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AI for Insulin Dosing

A new study found that adults with type 2 diabetes could adjust their insulin doses faster using an artificial intelligence (AI)-based smartphone application (app). This app, using voice commands and supervised by a … [Read More]