Assessing Apple Vision Pro in the Operating Room

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Exploring New Tech
In a new study, researchers looked at how to use novel consumer electronics such as the Apple Vision Pro (AVP) during surgery on people with diabetes who have developed complications affecting their legs and/or feet.
Promising Features
The researchers described how the AVP system can help surgeons by showing real-time data and controls while surgery is happening in real time. This could make surgeries more precise and help the surgical team communicate better. Unsurprisingly, they also found some challenges in using consumer technology like AVP in a medical setting.
Early Findings and Future Plans
AVP proved to be helpful in making decisions during surgery and teaching new doctors but in its current form it may be less helpfu lwhen performing really precise surgical movements. More work still needs to be done to better understand how this type of technology influences outcomes for patients and how we can use it better in the operating room.