Category: Medical Technology

Tau Blood Test Flags Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease

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Introduction to the Study

Alzheimer’s Disease is the commonest cause of dementia, and sadly, the number of people developing it continues to rise. A new study has introduced a promising blood test that can detect early signs … [Read More]

Understanding Semaglutide and Genetic Testing

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Genetic Testing on “Hungry Gut”

At the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Scientific Sessions, researchers presented new data using genetic testing to test for a trait called abnormal postprandial satiety (APS), or a “hungry gut.” Being able to … [Read More]

FDA and Gates Foundation Partner for Breath-Based DiagnosticsAdvancements in Medical Testing

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Advancements in Medical Testing

The FDA and the Gates Foundation are teaming up to explore using a person’s breath to help diagnose and treat many diseases. This is called breath-based diagnostics, and is a new type of … [Read More]

AI Predicts Diabetes Risk Successfully

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A new research study looking at whether AI can predict type 2 diabetes (T2D)

Researchers developed a new type of artificial intelligence (AI) model to see whether a computer can predict the risk of T2D. This model … [Read More]

Mapping the Human Brain: A Revolutionary Quest

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Advancing Brain Research at the Allen Institute

The Allen Institute, established by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, is embarking on an ambitious mission: creating a detailed map of the 86 billion neurons in the human brain. This ‘moonshot’ … [Read More]

Navigating Health Advice with ChatGPT: A Closer Look at Nutritional Guidance

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Assessing ChatGPT’s Dietary Advice Accuracy

We are what we eat. Our daily food choices are incredibly important to maintaining good physical and mental health. Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer (ChatGPT) is gaining popularity among people seeking health information, … [Read More]

Breaking Down Barriers: Making Diabetes Technology Accessible for Everyone

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The Rise of Digital Tools for Diabetes Care

In today’s world, digital technologies are playing a big role in managing diabetes. These tools include things like continuous glucose monitors, smart blood glucose devices, advanced insulin systems, smart … [Read More]